Sunday, June 27, 2021

Green Goddess Breakfast Flip

This is my egg & avocado breakfast version of the viral tortilla hack.  First of all, I used the Spinach and Herb Extreme Wellness tortillas.  They're so healthy and so low in calories.  This size is only 50 calories each.  I love making sandwich wraps with these because of the low calorie count, not to mention the wonderfully healthy ingredients in them.  They're made with 100% whole wheat, flax seed, olive oil... So much goodness!  They're one of my new faves for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack.  I filled my wrap with eggs, Baby Swiss, and more green goodness: spinach, avocado, and Greener Goddess dressing.  You can make these Flips with your own healthy favorites.  

Watch my YouTube video here:   


Extreme Wellness Tortillas:


Greener Goddess Dressing:


Find many of my favorite Healthie ingredients in my HEALTHIE list in my Amazon store:


*May contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links I earn a small commission.  This helps to keep me in business but adds NO additional cost for you. Thank you!
